Scottish Government's National Advisory Council for Women and Girls Spotlight Case Study on Body Image (Sept 2020)
Being on the Inside Podcast with Nina Abeysuriya: Ain't Nobody Loves Me Better
EGG Talks To... Podcast 43: Dear Danni Diary, Hair Goals, Eggs
In May 2020 I was invited to take part in a panel discussion reflecting on findings from the YWCA: Status of Young Women in Scotland Report 2019. You can watch the panel discussion here and access the report here.
WomenBeing Magazine Podcast: Episode 1 with special guests Danni Gordon and Gillian McCollum
The Empower Project: Making the Internet Safer for Young People
'Your Body Is Your Own Temple' Interview for Womenbeing Magazine
HealthySocialMedia.Org Talk organised by The University of Strathclyde and Petya Eckler
Youtube Interview with Body Image and Eating Coach, Gillian McCollum
Visit Scotland Website: Scotland Unplugged: Our Guide to a Scottish Digital Detox (recommends the 'We Love Retreat')
Podcast: EGG Talks to Danni Gordon
The Scottish Sun: Under the Influence
Scottish Daily Record: "Woman's decision to freeze eggs 'feels like a safety net' for future kids"
Guest on BBC Scotland's The Nine discussing Barbie's 60th Birthday
Print and online news stories for International Women's Day 2019 Wild Swim with Wild Swimming Photography in Edinburgh: Herald, The Scotsman, Edinburgh Evening News, The Sunday Post, Edinburgh Live
Interviewed Guest on a University Radio Short: Male Body Image in the Media
Invited guest on Mornings with Kaye Adams on BBC Radio Scotland
FamTech Summit: Kindaba: "Leading By Example: How our Tech Habits Influence our Self-Worth"
Mummy Jojo Podcast: "How to be Body Positive with Danni Gordon": Listen on iTunes and read the associated blog post here.
The Herald: "The Big Read: Ripped - A new vision of perfection and the tyranny of the male body beautiful"
The Snash Podcast with Jennie Cook: "How to Alleviate the Pressure Society Puts on our Kid’s Bodies and our Own"
Fearless Femme Magazine: "You Should Go and Love Yourself"
Women's Health Magazine: "How 4 Women Finally Found a Better Relationship with Food"
Creative Edinburgh Talking Heads "New Values" event in Edinburgh. Video here and Photos here
Interview in the Edinburgh Evening Times: "Danni's Mission to Beat Body Blues"
Contributing writer to Rebecca Shiller's book: Your No-Guilt Pregnancy Plan: A revolutionary guide to pregnancy, birth and the weeks that follow (available here)
She is Fierce Magazine Interview: "Intro to Danni of The Chachi Power Project"
"I Don't Hate My Body I think It's Wonderful"Edinburgh Gossip Girls Magazine Piece:
Edinburgh Gossip Girls Magazine Piece: "Self Care Ain't Selfish"
Edinburgh Gossip Girls Magazine Interview: "International Women's Day with Danni Gordon"
Greg Friel Podcast: Discussing Body Positivity, Body Confidence and The Chachi Power Project
StorytellHers Interview: "Discovering the Power of Body Positivity"
Featured on "The Warrior Woman Podcast with Jen Wilson". Listen here
Reek Perfume Blog: The Beautiful Body Hair Debate
Enable Magazine: "Don't Underestimate the Power of Confidence"